Farm Management System

How to obtain data to optimize the management of the company

La soluzione più avanzata

e innovativa al mondo al servizio del settore agricolo

Integrated platforms or that can be integrated to the technologies already present in the company, based on Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning, iot) and Cloud technology able to monitor 24/7 the entire supply chain also via Smart devices. Our integrated platformsalso generate reports and models useful to Data Analysis to optimize business management.


Our FARM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is the most advanced and innovative in the world. Fully integrated and based on Cloud technology. It is used by farms to monitor and trackanimal welfare and high product quality, reducing costs.


Allows you to:

  • Control production(nutritionists, veterinarians and consultants can access information directly)
  • Feed management (prevents waste and mistakes in production, distribution of rations, inventory and planning, reducing costs)
  • Managing herds (creates a direct interface between farming elements)
  • Monitor weather conditions in real time
  • Carry out Water Management

The accessibility to information and data is maximum as you can manage the system from any device.


Finato Martinati e il Farm Management System di PPS

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Contact us to discover how to design together the best solution to grow your business.
